jeudi 18 décembre 2008

Taj Mahal is Amazing...

Hello, everybody.

My Sister and myself are near Taj Mahal. It is a amazing , mid-blowing place and we make wonderful meetings.
One of the nicest was the young engineer on the train from Delhi to Agra, name is Shikharmathur, very nice person.
From now on the rest of the blog will be in english so that it more accessible to everycultures and languages.
I have updated pictures of Rajastan on Picasa, go here
In 1 hour we are leaving to Fatepur Shikri with a taxi, visit there and then go back to Agra Kantuman Train station and go to Jhansi. After is Katjoraho and Varanassi, Bodgaya

Bye bye


PS to French people: If you give me your adress, I can send you a post card.

2 commentaires:

Loki a dit…

Je t'ai envoyé mon adresse par mail, j'espère que t'auras le temps de me faire une carte.

Alargus a dit…

Euh...Merci mais j ai rien recu.
Renvoie ton adresse sur
Comme ca se presente pour ton taf en Italie ?

Ps: Oripi, tous comme pour Lolo je t'ai deja ecrit une carte postale pour toi. Envoye ton adresse plz.